It has been a difficult couple of months. We made the hard decision to ask our builder / engineer to step down and no longer be involved with the project. It was a very disappointing step to have to take, but a necessary one.
Money is tight, we have not met our campaign goal and so we must watch every expense and spend as frugally as we can. In spite of this being the case, our builder just was not on board with us in this regard. I think he is like most everyone in the DR who believes the organizations from the USA have all of the money in the world and will pay whatever is necessary. It is just the common opinion here.
Frank has explained to several potential suppliers and subs that Solid Rock is not that American organization that has a large shiny building in a downtown somewhere. Solid Rock is a single room in a young couple's home, and there are only two employees there, there is no "national headquarters". It is a concept that many Dominicans just do not comprehend, it is that simple. The USA is considered 'the land of opportunity, the land of abundance, it can provide all that is needed for a project here in the DR' - well, not in our case. Our generous donors are many, but we still need more money in order to make this dream a reality, and it will happen.
So we are being as deliberate as needed in order to see that the money everyone has so generously provided can go as far as it can.

See more info - click this: Charity Navigator Site
I am excited that we are lining up getting over 30,000 block delivered so that we can start getting some walls rising from the ground. I hope that by the end of summer there is a building looking for a roof! At the same time we will be tackling the plumbing drain lines and then other conduits and pipes that will be located under the floor.
We have asked an engineer who has been acting as consultant with the the project to begin a 3 month trail as "head" engineer. He has been SUPER HELPFUL over the past year serving in a consulting role and has recommended most of the suppliers and laborers we have used. I am very excited to have him "running the ship" knowing that he is very capable and also very conscious that money is critical and making things as efficient as possible is a necessity.
So I hope this is the last of the "tough news" I need to share. Good things never come easily, and I'm pretty sure some bible verses point this out to us ... :).
Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically. Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying. Romans 12:11-12