It has been 5 months since my last post, so for those who you who have followed my blogs an update is due.
The status of construction is the same as my post in October (if you didn't see that post Click Here).
As I explained in October, some significant steps need to take place before construction can resume, so that when we resume construction the donations that you and many others have so generously provided will be used to help complete the project without paying the Dominican's 18% tax on the finish materials. Solid Rock is passing 100% of your donation to the project (taking nothing for administrative and other expenses related to the operation of Solid Rock ... an unusual step for most non-profits), so it would be sad to give the Dominican government 18 cents of every dollar when purchasing materials. So we continue to wait for our Dominican partners (ACPSI) to receive official government recognition and status so that they are a tax-exempt entity. As with all governments (especially 3rd world countries!) bureaucracy shines through as the best way to bog down charity. It is a process that is difficult and often seems to be a moving target, but the good news is that we are making progress regarding knowing this status and even better news is that we have a plan in place should ACPSI fail to get full recognition.
SRI has been working to also ensure that the future is secured by formalizing a true agreement between our organizations as well as getting the ownership of the property equally into both organization's names. Representatives from ACPSI and SRI recently met and the documentation for these two issues are just about finalized. Once opened, the new clinic will need a good partnership with the Dominican government and other institutions as well as the dedication of both Americans and Dominicans committed to seeing that the facility be run as efficiently as possible.
Because we needed to stop work, I returned home in October and we are now back in our house and in our own bed. (We had been renting our home to a family that had experienced a fire at their home). I have resumed my remodeling business and with God's help things are up and running.
Recently I gave the meditation for our church's Kairos mid-week service. In the relatively short talk I shared with my church family some of my experiences both good and bad of Stacy's and my 3 years in the DR, and I am thankful to our minister Elizabeth Link for asking me to do the mediation - because her request caused me to step back and look at where I was, and how the message in Luke Ch 5 lifted me from a state of being fairly lost to a much better place. It was very disappointing to return home with the project stalled and not really have a wonderful ending to tell of our experience.
We committed to 3 years and it is disappointing that we ended up spending many of those months intentionally not working in order to get issues resolved for the betterment of the project. Elizabeth's request helped initiate much thought into where I was and the reasons why. I am thankful for being led to a better place. It has and is a frustrating situation, knowing what will happen next is unknown, and that can only lead a person toward their Faith, that the project will open it's doors at some point and serve the poor in the San Juan region.
Even when these items are in place many challenges remain that will require me or whoever is involved a great deal of work regarding the construction and many others to take care of all other aspects. Many many decisions need to be made, funds raised, partnerships established, plans established and construction completed. With finish details known, the Clinic can be completed with a year's work.
It will be a glorious day when the doors are opened. It is a day that will happen, knowing when that day will be is only known by God. Incredible works have happened because of the ACPSI / SRI partnership hosting all of the amazing volunteers that have changed the lives of countless Dominicans, I hope that generosity and dedication can continue for generations to come in the new facility.
Until we have these initial items resolved we must continue to wait and we must maintain our faith that only with God's guidance will the project be completed. We must persevere.
Waiting is hard, but worth the wait.
1 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. 3 Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. Romans 5
It is an amazing undertaking that will help the poorest of the poor for generations: a 46,242 square foot Hospital being constructed with funding from almost 500 individuals, families, churches and other generous donors. Solid Rock International passes 100% of donations to the construction and takes 0% of donations for SRI administrative costs, which is extraordinary.
Helpng to make the dream a reality
Nov 2014 to Oct 2017
- Volunteered to oversee Construction of a New Hospital to replace a 27+ year old facility staffed and operated by Dominicans. I spent 3 years on behalf of the many donors to the REVOLUTION campaign - a 4.5 Million Dollar campaign to fund this project.
August 2017 to September 2018
Work ceased while Tax issues resolved
Oct 2018
Working as project consultant to help get this wonderful project completed.